Electronic Supervision Policy
Responsibilities and Ethical Use
School Insurance
Transportation / Field Trips
Online Class Behavior
Discipline Policy
Daily Schedule
Role of the Parent
Dismissal and Withdrawal
Parent Appeal Procedure
Appendix A: Code of Conduct for Students
Rights and Responsibilities
Electronic Supervision Policy
Access to the Internet will enable students to explore thousands of libraries, databases, museums, and other repositories of information and to exchange personal communication with other Internet users around the world. Families should be aware that some material accessible via the Internet might contain items that are illegal, defamatory, inaccurate, or potentially offensive. Unfortunately, while the purposes of the school are to use Internet resources for constructive educational goals, students may find ways to access other materials. We believe that the benefits to students from access to the Internet in the form of information resources and opportunities for collaboration exceed the disadvantages when the appropriate precautions are taken. But ultimately, parents and guardians are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their child (ren) should follow when using media and information sources. WCAS ‘s program requires that students do test and explore on the Internet. The school through login usernames and passwords have tried to keep the Website safe and private for the students. Anything posted to the Website will not bear names, background, private info, or place names of students. The personal information of students using the Website is for the strict use of WCAS and will not be shared with another student, or persons not connected to the immediate family.
The safety of students is a very high priority for WCAS and ensuring that safety is the joint responsibilities of WCAS, parents and the student. The school and its staff endeavor to work with students, and parents to reduce and minimize risk to students.
The following are guidelines we follow;
- Use the Internet only when given permission by your parent/guardian or teacher’s aide.
- Information found on the Internet is not always true.
- Some Internet pages contain commercials or “ads”- do not click on commercial or “ad” links.
- Be a good online citizen and do nothing that hurts other people or is against the law.
Responsibilities & Ethical Use
- Never login as someone else
- Tell an adult right away if you come across any information that makes you feel uncomfortable.
- All work completed using technology resources must be your own.
- Do not take part in online activity that will hurt yourself or others.
Information found on TV, video, and computers may be the property of someone else. Copy this information only with permission.
School Insurance
Basic minimum 24-hour accident coverage is included upon enrolling in the distributed learning school.
Transportation/Field Trips
Volunteer policy – all volunteers working with children on a regular basis must have a completed Criminal Record Check. Occasional volunteers such as drivers for field trips must be well known to the organization and complete a Statutory Declaration form – available from the Office of Education SDABC.
Driver policy – Anyone driving students must have the following filed with the office: a copy of their car insurance showing a minimum of $2,000,000 coverage and a driver’s abstract showing their driving record.
In the event of an accident, every effort will be made to contact the parent/guardian immediately. When necessary, medical attention will be sought to ensure the well being of the student
The West Coast Adventist School is a Christian school. We therefore look for those who attend to desire an education with this special emphasis. All are expected to abide by the standards of the school and conduct themselves as courteous Christian young people. Admission to the school is considered a privilege for those students who can appreciate its unique character and ideals. Digital citizenship is of utmost importance in a Distributed Learning environment. Any form of bullying (online or otherwise) will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action.
Online Class Behaviour
WCAS provides live class as an opportunity for students to learn while engaging with each other and their classroom teachers. Since our time together is limited, it is very important that all students cooperate in a way that establishes a productive learning environment for all members of the class. The following are the expectations for WCAS students wishing to participate in live class:
Classroom Etiquette
Students will…
- Be prepared with pre-class activities completed and necessary materials on hand, ready to learn.
- Ensure that their environment is quiet and conducive to learning, avoiding background activity if at all possible.
- Arrive on time or enter quietly if late.
- Use their first name for participant identification in zoom.
- Adhere to teacher guidelines regarding when to speak and when to listen.
- Allow others to speak and avoid dominating class discussions.
- Avoid interrupting the teacher or fellow students.
- Unless speaking, keep their microphones muted.
- Provide relevant comments that lift up others and encourage learning.
Chat Box Behaviour
Students will…
- Use language that uplifts others, reflects the Christian atmosphere, and contributes to the class discussion positively.
- Use the chat box for asking questions that need to be addressed later, in order to avoid interrupting others.
- Avoid interrupting the class with comments that do not apply to the discussion.
- Only use graphics that are relevant to learning and are not a distraction.
- Use cyber etiquette while writing comments (for instance, avoid the use of caps, as it indicates the writer is yelling).
Video Camera Behaviour
Students will…
- Use the camera when instructed to do so by the teacher.
- Ensure that their entire faces are visible during live class and that they are present during live class, unless they have been given permission to step away by the teacher.
- Remain stationary during class, to avoid distracting other class members.
- Refrain from bringing objects into the line of sight of other class members, unless instructed to do so by the teacher.
- Avoid demonstrating any behaviour that may be interpreted as disrespectful, distracting, or unsafe on camera.
WCAS reserves the right to remove a student from live class at any time. Further disciplinary action will be pursued in a case where a student’s behaviour is inconsistent with the above live class protocol.
Discipline Policy
The School Board agrees with the discipline policy of the British Columbia Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Classroom control and discipline will be maintained. Insubordination will not be tolerated, nor harassment/bullying of other online students. The following guidelines will be implemented in case of an infraction:
- The child will be removed from the classroom and parents notified.
- Before re-entering the class, a parent/teacher conference will be held.
- If problems are not resolved, additional steps may be necessary, involving the Discipline Committee of the School Board.
- Policy dictates that a teacher may suspend a student and that the School Board may find it necessary to expel a student.
Daily Schedule
For students registered in Grades K-8, school hours are flexible in the student’s home and it is this flexibility that makes distributed learning a unique experience. Friday hours may be flexible.
For students in the live Grade 9-12 program, a daily timetable of classes is provided indicating when the student should be present in the online classroom for instruction.
Role of the Parent
By enrolling your child in WCAS program, you agree to the following:
- that our DL instructor is responsible for the learning program, and will collaborate with you to develop your child’s learning plan, including course/unit outlines, description of instructional strategies and program implementation;
- that you and your child must meet with our DL instructor on several occasions during the school year, and that a log of progress must be submitted at least bi-weekly. You agree to facilitate the meetings in your home and/or a WCAS facility (or by electronic means where distance is too great);
- that your child’s educational progress must be assessed by our DL instructor and reported on a regular basis, which will require you to support and assist with the gathering, recording and/or documentation of student achievement through test, work samples and maintenance of a portfolio (Guidelines included);
- that your child must undertake standardized testing, which includes participation in the CAT-3 tests annually, and the Ministry Foundation Skills Assessment in grades 4 and 7;
- that your child must have access to a computer, printer and internet connectivity;
A student may be suspended from a class by a teacher or from school by the principal for the following reasons:
- Gross insubordination
- Persistent violation of school regulations
- Disruptive behaviour to the school or class program
- Bullying or harassment of another person
Dismissal and Withdrawal
The Administration is authorized to dismiss a student. This will not be done without a conference between parents, student and Administration.
Parent Appeal Procedure
Should a student and/or parent disagree with the disciplinary actions or other decisions of a teacher/principal/teacher’s aide of the West Coast Adventist School, the following is the procedure for the appeal of those decisions and/or actions.
Try to resolve the problem by discussion at the lowest level of authority. It is important to follow the steps of this procedure to give administration ample opportunity to resolve the situation in an appropriate manner, to provide a teacher time to make any necessary changes, and the parent time to fully evaluate the situation in a reasonable manner. The following is the sequence of successive levels of authority.
- Teacher’s Aide or Supervisor
- Teacher
- Vice-principal
- Principal
- School Board: should a parent and /or student desire, they may request, in writing, the opportunity to present their appeal of a decision or action in writing and/or personal attendance at the next meeting of the School board or at a specially called board meeting.
- Personnel of the Office of Education of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (SDABC) may be invited to meet with the parent or student and the school board on such occasions.
Appendix A: Code of Conduct for Students
We believe the home is the primary influence on children. We also believe home and school must share the responsibility for teaching children appropriate behaviour and social skills. This socialization process, that is teaching children to relate positively with others and to understand the need for certain behaviours, is one of the more difficult aspects of parenting and teaching. Consequently, as parents do at home, teachers spend much time explaining the “whys” of this world. For example – why we don’t throw things, why we speak politely, why we don’t touch others’ property, why we show respect to others. By working together, we can increase the probability that students will learn these skills, thus resulting in increased self-respect, respect for others, responsibility, and enhanced learning.
Rights and Responsibility
ALL MEMBERS of the WCAS community have the following rights:
- To learn and work in a safe environment
- To have their positive behaviour recognized.
- To be protected for physical harm and verbal abuse.
- To have their personal property protected.
- To be treated with kindness and care
- To be provided with the best learning and work opportunities possible.
Each TEACHER/PARENT/TEACHER’S AIDE, therefore, has the responsibility to:
- Provide a safe, Christian and supportive environment.
- Treat students with respect and consideration.
- Provide quality curriculum that reaches students.
- Nurture positive relationships.
- Understand, support and follow the goals and procedures of the discipline policy.
Each STUDENT, therefore, has the responsibility to:
- Understand, support and obey all home and school rules and graciously submit to correction when it is given.
- Show respect to all members of their learning community.
- Take responsibility for their own actions.
- Care for one another and refrain from hurting each other by actions or words.
- Actively engage in the learning process
- Demonstrate fairness and sportsmanship
- Show care for the property of others.
- Maintain a clean, neat environment.
- Complete daily class requirements/assignments